
Seadragon is a supercomputing resource of MD Anderson’s High Performance Computing (HPC), which is dedicated for use by the research community.

Login Seadragon

$ ssh seadragon

Interactive Running

# cpu interactive
$ busb -Is -q interactive -W 1:00 -M 64 -R rusage[mem=64] –n 4 /bin/bash
# gpu interactive
$ busb -Is -q gpu-medium -gpu num=1:gmem=16 -W 3:00 -M 64 -R rusage[mem=64] –n 10 /bin/bash

Load Modules

$ module load singularity/3.5.2
$ module load cuda10.1/toolkit/10.1.243

Start Singularity Instance

$ singularity run --nv --bind <local_dir>:<container_dir> <singularity_path> <program>

More Useful Commands

$ bsub < <lsf_script> # submit job via script
$ bjobs -u all | more # check all running jobs
$ bjobs -u all | grep gpu # check all gpu jobs
$ bjobs -p # show all pending jobs
$ bjobs -l xxxxxxx # check the details of one specific job
$ bkill -l xxxxxxx # kill one specific job